Mental Health in the Workplace

30% of all Americans of working age now report symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Beyond Well Solutions offers employers engaging mental health media for employees and managers designed to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and increase mental health literacy.

We live in a society where the stressors of everyday life are amplified, where people feel isolated, and more and more are struggling.  One employer at a time, we can reshape the path of mental health in this country. Bringing awareness and solutions to this epidemic through entertaining content – content custom-tailored to specific issues identified by your organization – you begin to foster happier, healthier, more productive employees. Our team of multimedia experts research, write, and produce timely mental health podcasts with the goal of increasing employee engagement and wellness.

Manager & Employee Training

Mental Health is everybody’s business. And great companies provide the tools and training so that employees can be better prepared to cope with prolonged uncertainty, deadlines, and stress. Our team takes a values-centered approach to our well-being presentations and training. What matters to you at your company? How do we prioritize the health and well-being of ourselves, our families, and our communities? Talking openly about mental health is crucial in a not so normal work world where everything is changing. We give you the language, the leadership, and the confidence to approach one of the most important topics of our time.

Customizable Mental Health Podcasts

Our podcast series are private, customizable, relatable, and a welcomed break from Zoom fatigue.

Manageable six- to nine-minute episodes help your employees:

  • Deal with uncertainty
  • Balance an overwhelming workload
  • Chart their way and plan their career paths
  • Manage perfectionism—the biggest enemy of workplace productivity
  • Discover the vocabulary of mental health
  • Feel valued and accepted
  • Find next steps for mental health care and support

Custom Podcast Example:

[podcast_episode episode="765" content="player"]

Program Framework

Your employees will have access to fresh mental health podcast content each week. Select from over 75 existing topics, with new content being developed weekly — our library is always expanding! Our team of mental health experts will even work with employers to develop podcasts specific to the needs of their organization and employees.